Shepherd Express Features FoC

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014
Feast of Crispian Participating Veterans and Volunteers
Heroes of the Week

The Battery Factory, a nonprofit organization that focuses on igniting new performance and visual arts projects and organizations, is currently backing Feast of Crispian (FoC), a nonprofit program that uses Shakespeare plays as a tool to help veterans struggling with emotional and reintegration issues. This program is available to veterans of all branches within or outside of the VA free-of-charge with no thresholds for entry (such as discharge status or proof of PTSD diagnosis). Professional actors have worked pro bono with more than 100 veterans at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center for close to two years now, using special performance techniques that allow vets to immediately speak lines and navigate emotional expression. FoC currently offers the workshop one weekend every other month.

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