THE BATTERY FACTORY (TBF) is proud to announce that the Feast Of Crispian (FOC) has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Recognition by the IRS is an important legal definition, granting Federal Notforprofit status to this Wisconsin corporation, exempting donor gifts from Federal taxes.
FOC is the first participant in TBF's Jump Start program, which seeks to get new arts organizations up and running quickly, providing them a nurturing environment within which to explore, test and prove their operations, while enjoying a wide range of support tools. TBF provides mentoring, accounting, business planning, connections, guidance and other forms of help, all while serving as a Fiscal Sponsor – accepting taxfree gifts on the participant's behalf.
"The idea for FOC grew from the ashes of a 2012 effort by The Battery Factory to put a `Shakespeare in the Courts' program in place for Milwaukee's atrisk youth." said Rebecca Holderness, TBF President and Artistic Director. "The creative leaders of FOC were able to take some of those techniques and adapt them to serve the veteran population with great success. It has been so gratifying for us to serve and support this great idea. FOC has brought a program of great service and heart to the Milwaukee community”
“The Bader Philanthropies have been a supportive partner since 2014, and we'd like to thank them for believing in this project with us. We've also had the support of dozens of private donors, giving as little as a dollar or as much as a thousand." added Nic Bernstein, TBF Treasurer, soon to serve on the Board of Directors of FOC. "We have all had the goal of seeing this successful program spun off on its own.".